


10-15-2015, 04:16 PM
[Image: starchild_by_shatteredbeginnings-d9d7s69.png]

Name: Matthias

Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 36" / 153lbs


At a glance Matthias is a seen to be a lawful wolf. He is has a big heart that is full of love to give. He doesn’t care whether you are family, friend, or even a stranger this young man has love for everyone. Matt is the sort of male that you would expect to run up to you to give you a hug because he’s that happy to see you. He just wants everyone around him to be happy, safe, and content. Not only that, but he wants them to be having a good time as well! There is nothing better than having fun with the ones that you care about.

That said, Matthias has an open heart and an open mind. Some would call the man naive, a dreamer. He is very accepting of everyone, regardless of gender, species, or sexual preference. Matthias also wants to be that big brother sort of figure to everyone that he meets. Being on the slightly larger side f the spectrum will naturally help with this of course. Matthias is more of a gentle giant, if you haven’t quite noticed that about him yet.

He has a lot of courage, whether it is because of his size or not one can’t be too sure. He has a confidence that radiates from his very being, and he is not afraid to stand for what he believes. He is an adventurous male, yes his because of the confidence he has he can make reckless decisions. Prone to act first, rather than thinking things through, Matthias is bound to get himself into different sorts of troubles that will test all of his morals and then some.

When it comes to the Diamachi and his family Matthias has a deeply routed loyalty to them. He is the sort who would not stray from their believes, and can be noted as a trustworthy brute. On top of his generally kind nature, he is a helpful individual who goes the extra mile to make sure others have accomplished what they need to. He is a very involved individual, working with the Diamachi and his family to make all of their lives better.

Of course everyone has their flaws. Matthias’ greatest flaw is his fierce temper. He is a young man who, once fired up, takes a long time to cool down. He can get sharp and snappy when irritated, and is known to be a terrible grudge holder. When it comes to remembering the negative things that have happened to him in his life Matthias rarely forgets, even if it is some small grievance that could have easily been avoided.

Plans: Romp around with the Diamachi, get into mischief, grow IC, and thread with the awesomeness that is Kat and Fox. owo

[Image: otackoon__1__by_shatteredbeginnings-d9d7s6e.png]