
Father daughter dance



6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 05:48 PM
Who knew Illume could be such a heartless little girl. Her energy had always given her life, and well difficult Glacier would have described her as cute. This new side of her wasn't one he particularity liked and he was glad Voltage had decided to play it out till the end, clearly it was a lesson Illume needed to learn. When at last she called out to him, and he raised his head to look at her, he would frown, and his lips would curl into a silent growl. Well it was one thing for her to put the blame on him, this new course was unexpected and he didn't like the feeling of someone blaming one of his siblings, least of all the gentle healer.

He wanted to speak, but his brother clearly had it, and he watched as Father dealt with Daughter. When Voltage mentioned the large cat Glacier had chased off alone, the giant grimaced, he hadn't liked being down with an injured leg for the duration he had. He had quietly returned to the group and sat silently besides his brother, his judging eyes on his little niece. When the attention was returned to the giant in regards to his feelings he nodded solemnly, moving his arms apart and whispered 'giant' as he indicated an area between his paws that was larger then Illume. His lips twitched upwards in a small smile then, but he wasn't quite ready to forgive – the shift of blame to Terrea hardened his heart. “On top of that, Illume, to highlight how much you would miss me, your banned from piggy back rides for 2 weeks” he warned