
Protection {siege refuge}



6 Years
Extra large
10-15-2015, 06:30 PM

As he moved back to the group of youngsters one in particular, one of the pups wold smack at his paw – one of the only parts of him that wasn't already touching the ground that she could actually reach. He turned and smiled at the little one, finding the fluff ball's annoyance endearing, through he worried also. He didn't not want to be the one to break any bad news to these little creatures. The little one that 'attacked' him was quickly dragged away by the others. His eyes drifted to Silva then, the only familiar face, and the only one that didn't seem naturally hostile. She also became the voice of reason as she keyed him in to what was what. That made sense, the oldest wolf here who Glacier would have expected to be more forthcoming in information was mute. She was just going on to ask if she could hunt and he grinned, nodded his head, and then was distracted by the appearance of his Lavender sister.

“Oh... Gale” he said, and the relief was palpable in his voice. No doubt she wouldn't know how to deal with children either, but they could flail and be confused together he would be firm on that. He snorted in surprise at her first comment, through perhaps he should have expected it. “Ah yes, perhaps I should have mentioned, your officially in charge of tours, and they start promptly at 8am, we've been standing around here waiting for you for hours Gale” he said, his expression accusatory, before he shook his head, letting the serious situation show on his expression “These young ones have to stay here for a little while, I'm not sure how long, a day? Two? They have been restricted to the Algama Prairie only, and, well.. “ he leaned closer to his sister and whispered in her air “I hope you have some idea what to do with children because I'm clueless, I've got nothing” he said for her ears only, and pulled away to show her his grin, if he was thrown into the deep end, then his sweet sister was being taken with him.