
knew you were trouble when you walked in


04-13-2013, 09:43 PM

It had been so long since she had seen her family. She missed them so much. She could see her mother's face, her father's face... Her little sister. She could remember their smells, the way their voices sounded. It made a small smile spread onto her face, memories flashed before her green eyes. She giggled at a few of them. But she had had to leave. Why? She didn't know. Her father told her to. Said that it wasn't safe there. She had run away quickly, just in time to hear a few little screams. But she thought that she was imagining it, so she kept running. She didn't know what had happened, she didn't think anything happened. But she didn't understand why her sister couldn't come with her.

A deep breath was drawn in from parted kissers. Ears lain back against her light brown head. Green eyes were open wide and bright, trying to forget about her family for right now. Her small, skinny legs carried her over long grass, coming up to above her shoulder. Her tongue lulled from between her lips, a light pant coming from her, chest rising and falling as she trotted through the dense grass. Her eyes found something strange, she cocked her head to the side, a confused whimper coming from her lips as she sped up, going to inspect it.

Coal black nose took in the scent. It looked like... Well, she didn't know what it looked like. It was wood, she could tell that much from the scent. Tail lifted from off of her legs, wagging slightly as she pawed the wood with one leg. She whined lightly as her dull claws scraped against it. What was this thing?


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here