
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



9 Years
10-16-2015, 02:55 AM
So it seemed he would not be taking on his opponent alone. As he made his move, silver eyes caught movement of another wolf quickly closing in on him from his left - he growled in frustration. He'd only ever trained in one on one combat, but he'd have to do his best to improvise now. He kept his defenses in tact, ears pinned and eyes narrowed, the skin around his muzzle wrinkled up angrily to protect his face and expose his fangs. Hackles were spiked along his spine like a ridge from the top of his neck down to his tail. Toes were spread, claws biting hungrily into the earth. His tail aligned with his spine, whirling around as needed to aid in keeping his balance.

His attack was thwarted by Mercy's own jaws as she clamped down on her intended target, preventing him from reaching his - the downward force she exerted caused his head to lower further. Her top fangs pierced through the skin just above the edge of his lip on the left side of his upper jaw, while her lower fangs did the same on the right side of his jaw - both would leave deep punctures, the tips of her fangs piercing all the way through to dig mildly at his gums. Blood surged from the wounds and into his mouth, dripping from his jaws. He snarled in pain, adrenaline pulsing through his veins as his tongue swiped thick, deep red blood from his lips. His upper front right shoulder would meet its target, but Mercy pushed against him, and they met shoulder to shoulder in a painful clash, leaving a moderate bruise at the collision site. Neither wolf yielded any space, muscles wound tightly to hold their ground.

As his right paw came down, missing its target, he quickly shifted his weight to his right foreleg and hind legs so that he could lift his left foreleg to defend against Raba's jaws, which were aimed for his throat. Rotating his body downward and to his right, he bent his legs to further redistribute his weight, and brought his left forepaw high to meet, hopefully, with Raba's face in a downward strike. His claws were aimed for her right eyebrow, with the intention of scoring down her face and over her right eye, down the right side of her muzzle in an attempt to redirect her jaws, if only for a moment. The movement was swift, but with the angle there was little force behind it. Even if he had to take a bite to his foreleg or paw, it was better than a bite to the throat.

With his left foreleg now raised, Raba's upper front right shoulder would meet the lower part of his ribcage right at the back of his left elbow where the leg met with the body. He felt a moderate bruise form, and he was winded slightly. Because he had lifted his left forepaw, her right paw struck an empty spot on the ground, missing its intended target. At the same time that Raba hit him with her shoulder, he felt Mercy's left forepaw strike his right foreleg in the crook of his elbow, leaving a mild bruise and causing the limb to buckle at the joint, further changing his position and angle. He would have fallen to his side had his snout not been caught in a sharp grip. His head was low, his upper jaw still caught in Mercy's teeth, while his right elbow and the front of his chest touched the ground. Left foreleg was still slightly raised to defend his throat from Raba's jaws. Surely she would try again to nail him. He rolled his shoulders forward, scrunching everything up around his neck to protect his vital points, and tucking his chin as best he could. His hind legs were bent at the knees, claws digging into the ground to hold his weight.

Mercy's left forepaw was still close to him where she'd struck his elbow... with an agonized growl, Xephyris thrust his head downward, rotating his head sharply to the left to painfully dislodge her hold. Her fangs left deep, uneven lacerations over the wrinkled up skin on both sides of his upper muzzle, all the way to the top edge of his snout. Blood gushed from the wounds. Without hesitation, Xeph whipped his head to his right, jaws parted wide and aiming for Mercy's left forepaw at a perpendicular angle, aiming for the knuckles of the toes. His intention was to bite deep and hard, his fangs reaching hopefully for the outer left side of her paw, which would place his molars and the crushing power of his jaws over the remainder of her knuckles. His lower fangs aimed to puncture the pad under her outermost toe (far left toe of left forepaw), upper fangs trying to pierce the skin on the top surface of the toe. His molars would try to fracture the small bones of the knuckles; he hoped that his movement would succeed, he was out of his element against two opponents and wasn't sure how long he could keep it up.

Xephyris vs Mercy and Karabela || for Dominance || Round 2/2

OOC: Clarified with Eve that Mercy is aiming for Xeph's right foreleg with her left front paw, not her right front paw.