
I keep trying to find me



5 Years
10-16-2015, 04:20 AM
ooc: it's all alright ;) take your time with replies!

Perhaps all the herbs were lurking in the small crevices he couldn't quite see or reach, so he shooed his hedgehog companion away to be his eyes in those unnoticeable places while he continued his own search over the direct growth upon the surface. As his gaze scanned the foliage, he came across a wafting feminine scent, piquing his interest. Momentarily, a soft voice called out to him, and he slowly turned his head to find a small silver female perched upon a jutting tree root. With his life constantly surrounded by family, it wasn't common of him to be meeting strangers from outside the pack though he wouldn't turn down this pleasant opportunity, even if she seemed a little shy. His features reflected a warm smile as he responded in a friendly manner. "Salutations," he returned the greeting with a solemn bow before looking back at the woman. "Indeed it is a beautiful area."

He glanced around at his surroundings yet again, like as if he couldn't get enough of the draping willows and serene creeks. It reminded him a bit of home - not the home he currently resided in, or the makeshift one when his family had first arrived, but his first home. The previous continent provided landscapes that suited all of the family's elements, where he had been most content with his lush forests. He was like a guardian over the trees, watching over the flora and caring for the many critters that he shared the environment with. The memories brought an ache to his heart, knowing that now was a different story. A beach wasn't exactly what he preferred to call home, but his family were happy, and he wouldn't argue with that. It wasn't like forests and woodlands had been completely erased from existence; at least he could visit such areas in his own time. "I'm quite accustomed to living by the coast, you see, though this is just as peaceful and calming."

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*