
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-16-2015, 11:15 AM

Alas, he'd been so preoccupied with his surging thoughts about the whereabouts of everyone else, he hissed at his own stupidity when he realized he hadn't been paying much attention to his own movements, no matter how much he thought he was. Hati's neck strained at an awkward angle, which was both good and bad for Sin. Good because he made it harder on his opponent, and possibly quite uncomfortable, and bad because his shoulder strike had failed and the awkward position hadn't allowed him to grasp the bite he had hoped for. Instead, his teeth slice down Hati's right cheek, though not even severe like he'd hoped. His left paw would miss Hati's entirely, slamming back upon the ground as he evenly redistributed his weight once more. The grungy male would release his grip upon sin's neck, blood trickling as he kept his defenses up. He would be sure to remain fully focused for the remainder of the fight.

Eyes remained narrowed, his ears pinned to his crown, hackles bristling with fury up and down his body, his lips were bared back in a snarl, tail flagged out for balance and aligned with his spine, head following suit as it lowered over his throat to align, chin tucking, toes splayed wide to cover more ground, nails biting into the earth while his joints bent slightly, lowering his center of gravity, shoulders rolling forward to protect the side of his vitals while he pulled his head back just slightly to bunch and roll his scruff, adding fur and fat for protection to the back of his neck.

It was then as Hati sought to pivot, Sin strove to try and keep the heavier male slightly at bay, sidestepping twice to his own left and a step forward, he would lower his center of gravity, Hati's barreled chest striking the bone of his right shoulder instead of his elbow, a moderate bruise would blossom, but it was thanks to his quick reactions that his elbow would be safe for now. It was then he would move once more, his tail tucked beneath him as he used his coiled limbs to spring up, right shoulder jutting forward and up as he sought to once again, slam the point of his right shoulder into the left side of Hati's throat, aiming to bruise or wind the creature.

As Hati's jaws came flying at the right side of his face, Sin turned his head to his right to face the incoming jaws, his own jaws bared wide as he sought to intercept the teeth. He sought to grip Hati's lower jaw in his own [counter to face bite]. Sin's head tilted downward as he sought to achieve this. Sin's top jaw sought to bite down across the top of Hati's lower jaw over the male's tongue, and sin's lower jaw aimed to wrap around beneath Hati's lower jaw. He sought to bite with all the strength he could, potentially damaging Hati's tongue but he would strive for something greater. He would attempt to twist Hati's jaw downward and towards the heavy set male, seeking to break or fracture the lower jaw.

Simultaneously, Sin would lift his right paw, attempting to snake it beneath Hati and hook it around Hati's left forepaw and pull it towards him, Sin's weight redistributed to accommodate this attempt. Everything around him was no more then a dull echo. He felt he could hear every breath he took, see every drop of spit that flew from the fighting pair, every hair of his opponent standing on end while the fighting around them was no more then a blur. He didn't know how his packmates were faring, or even if there would still be a pack after this. But he would make a silent vow, Hellstrom would rise again, and the lands would regret sending them back to the depths of Hell.

And it was then, in the few seconds of thought he had, a streak of black and red came charging from the bushes on silent paws. Seifer had finally taken his chance, charging swiftly and silently as his large paws ate the ground towards Sin and Hati. The lynx would run in from the right of the fighting pair, a direct beeline, seeking to close the distance as silent and swift as possible. Once he was within pouncing range, Seifer would leap towards Hati, both forelegs extended as his claws reached for a target. His right forepaw was spread wide, the large paw sought to smack Hati in the face, while his left forepaw simply aimed to clutch the brute behind the back of his neck, the surprise force from his left club hopefully helping him drive the man's face into his right claws. And he would extend his claws in his right forepaw hoping to drive them into Hati's left eye socket as well as his right eye socket. He hoped that if he was successful, he could wrench the eyeballs from his head like cocktail olives in a martini. A quiet hiss rumbled past bared teeth, Seifer's gaze menacingly narrowed. Hackles bristling as he strove to do as much damage as he possibly could. Win or lose, he would aid Sin in bringing down his foes, that was Seifer's goals. The demon who commanded death.

Sin VS Hati for MAIM (full blinding)

Round 2/2