
Tad's Ploterrific log of Awesomeness


04-13-2013, 09:52 PM
so guys now is your chance to plot with the Taddy! I will post my characters and their personalities etc. And what I have plotted for them ;D

Saix's plots are closed. The only thing I have for him is the post before his death thread. If anyone wants to talk with him before he dies, I will have a post in Glaciem that is AW for any Glaciens to reply to. Becuase he is old and disabled, he wont be able to do posts outside of Glaciem.
In his death thread the only real wolf that matters is Arcane, so Shrap you better be there! If anyone else wants to say goodbye, I am fine with that.
~Glaciens-Link to thread will be posted here: Seeing him one last time
~Shrap and Glaciens-Link to thread will be posted here: Death Thread

I'm looking for some kind of love interest for Rumble. It will take a lot to get him to feel that way about someone, so lots of threads! Since i normally have lots of muse for him, there shouldn't be a problem with posting slow, or posting really short posts. I don't care if they ore in Valhalla or in a different pack, or even a rouge.

Rumble is very anti social and doesn't know how to act around other wolves. For those final Fantasy / Kingdom Hearts fans, think of him as Spuall or Lean. He has no emotion, he acts like he doesn't care, but really he does and he only shows it when he knows he is in love.
~Meet up with Morgan

At the moment I want Gen to learn about Herbs. I want it to be someone in Glaciem, he is very interested in facts and learning new things.

So Gen is a charmer. He is obsessed with woman and thinks he needs more then one to fill his satisfaction. So if you are looking for a heart breaker, yeah...
~Meet with Merciann and discuss Herbs and medics

The only thing i have for Odin is a love interest in Arcane. This is only a test and if it doesn't work out, I'll put him as open for a relationship.

Odin is Strong and handsome, he is also emotional strong. He can care for his own needs as well as help and support others. He can relate to a lot of others and give them advice. He also does extremely well with children. He is playful and knows how to make people happy, but he can easily start a fight with someonne he gets comfortable with.
~Shrap-Love interest for Arcane hopefully

So misty wont be born until the 27th of April, and I wont be able to play her until the 11th of May. But I do want some kind of Love interest for when she is older. Maybe she has a good friend when she is a pup and something grows between them.

So Misty is the happiest creature on Alacritis. She loves to make others happy, and she is never sad herself. When she is older she has a good emotional structure and she is great with children.