
hush now

Katja the First


8 Years
10-16-2015, 01:46 PM
Kapra's words seemed to slide away, each note cracking into the air like a lightning bolt but only the afterlight remaining like faint multicolored glows in the air. She opened her eyes again to stare down at herself from among the stars. She, Kapra. The only two remaining of their generation. They were still so young and foolish. So... three dimensional. She could see... so much more. She could see time crashing over them. Aging them. Were they becoming wiser? No - not in the grand scheme. Without the gods' guidance they were but children stumbling through a maze blindfolded, only the maze was always changing and the prize at the center was unattainable in life.


The word rang unbidden from her throat, a solemn bell-tone that shivered in the air between them and drew her abruptly back to her own physical shell. It left her feeling... lost. Blinded when she had seen so much. Bereft. She had seen so much, time flowing before her like a river and now she saw nothing. "Nei. Nei, við erum glötuð. Hvar eru börnin, Kapra? Ég sá þá í stjörnurnar ..."

Laufey's deep voice like thunder boomed around them, a mountain's voice, and Katja's gaze froze on his as the moon pulled his form from the darkness into the purest of light that swirled and danced around them like a fog yet so solidly he stood there as though two separate forms inhabited the warrior. Who spoke through him? What was he trying to tell her? "One child is not enough to ensure our family's survival. I can see... You have shown me... I could see the way but it was taken from me. Auora þar hefur þú farið?" Frustration, her words tumbling red into the air and she examined them with narrowed gaze. She could... perhaps... Laerke and Laufey? No. Time crashed over her and she shuddered as ice dripped through her veins. The way time eddied and swirled around the three of them terrified her in a way she had never felt before. Control had been taken from her and placed firmly in the guiding paws of the gods as they tried to show her but Katja was no priest. She did not understand this world she found herself in.

OOC: she drops into Icelandic for a while but it's meant as old norse - Icelandic's just the closest modern language that I could use to translate. It hasn't changed a whole lot from old norse so I'm just pretending it's not Icelandic. ;)