
Lay Me Down


04-13-2013, 10:08 PM

The man had left Valhalla as quickly as he had gotten there. Fenrir was still adamant in his idea of exploring the rest of Alacrtia. He was determined to explore the rest of of his homeland before completely settling down into Valhalla and living the rest of his life in peace. That was the plan anyways. Now if only he could continue with discovering the rest of interesting areas that the land had to offer.

The boy was once again roaming the south. It seemed as though he could not escape it. The ebony and crimson brute enjoyed the warmer weather despite his thick coat that was built for the north. The south also seemed to be a bit more colorful than the north. Even in the summer certain areas was graced by snow and the thought put a frown on his face. He wasn't overly fond of the snow. He preferred not having to worry about fighting that kind of weather. No, he preferred baking in the sun and letting his dark coat soak up the rays. He could eat least cool off in the water and go swimming if it was hot. When it was cold he couldn't go swimming. Not unless he wanted to die of hypothermia, which wasn't what he wanted.

Fenrir found himself heading towards the Rio Grande. He wasn't sure what drew him there, but the idea of perhaps testing the calmer parts of the water wasn't a bad idea. He could see the raging river ahead of him. Summer seemed to have no effect on the river which didn't bother him a bit. Thirty eight inches and 156 pounds of mostly muscle could certainly get him somewhere as far as power was concerned. A short trip in the river to test his own abilities and perhaps get a nice workout seemed amazing.

The scent of another reached a keen nose and nostrils flared as he took in the feminine scent. The salty scent of tears accompanied it and Fenrir's ears pricked forward with interest. His pace increased and eyes carried a curious look to them as he traveled farther. To his dismay he found the girl jumping into the river in what looked to be a leap of suicide. Was she trying to kill herself? She was smaller than he and certainly wouldn't survive the rapids.

Powerful muscles pushed him forward and claws dug into the earth tearing up the terrain behind him as he followed the river in an attempt to try and find a point where he could jump in. He was hesitant to jump in this part of the river. The waters were still fast and he couldn't just simply jump in and save them both. His own power was limited to just propelling himself through that water. There was no way he'd be able to pull her out too.

He saw a rock ahead that jutted into the river and decided to take advantage of it. He raced forward knowing he only had a limited amount of time to save her before death would claim her soul. Paws brought him to a crashing halt and jaws parted and he barely managed to snag her limp body as it rose to the surface briefly before threatening to go under once more. Shoulder muscles shook with the strain as he struggled to pull her out of the water.

After much struggle and a lot of aching muscles later, he managed to pull her out and haul her body onto the bank before he collapsed, panting from exhaustion. His job wasn't done though. It didn't take him long to notice that she wasn't breathing. Was he too late? He refused to let her die without a fight. He hauled himself to his feet and shoulder and neck muscles ached but he ignored the pain. Instead he placed large paws onto her chest above her lungs and pressed down before raising his weight and then pressing again in an attempt to rid her lungs of the water that had so far, obviously, taken her life. He refused to allow it, but if she didn't live at least he had tried.
