
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}


10-16-2015, 08:37 PM

Arietta’s shoulder slam would miss it’s intended mark, instead land just below the knee of the more massive woman. The shifting of her {Birna’s} movements would lead to nothing but mild bruising on the area now, rather than Arietta’s plan of displacing the knee. Her jaws would also fail in gaining their hold, though she did tear some moderate lacerations upon the woman’s {Birna’s} hip and the base of her tail. Though she had won the right of first blood this was no time to celebrate.

As her attacks fell short, and the woman moved away, Arietta sought to turn her own body another sixty-degrees to her own left, as well as move forward three steps, to have her {Arietta} slightly facing Birna’s rear left leg. Birna, in perspective, would be facing her own rear left leg for the most part, kind of off to the side at a curve due to her {Birna} shifted direction of thirty degrees. Now was the time to remember her defenses, to double check that they were all in place. Ears were pinned, eyes were narrowed, and her head was aligned with the spine. Shoulders were rolled forward for easier movement, legs widened, toes spread, and claws biting the earth. Weight was evenly distributed across the four limbs once more, tail remaining tucked beneath her. Hackles were of course still raised, serving as “intimidation” and defense. Jaws would part once more, ready to attack.

Now came the other woman’s {Birna} retaliation. Birna’s right forelimb would miss her kneecap and toes, thanks to those couple steps forward, though it would catch the back of her {Arietta} hock and would cause some moderate bruising. Arietta was not so lucky to avoid the woman’s {Birna} jaws from a powerful attack, however. Rather than the woman’s {Birna} jaws landing where her thigh met the side of the body it landed farther back, upon the middle of the bicep femoris or middle of her left thigh. The woman’s {Birna} jaws would leave punctures that were three centimeters wide and about three quarters of an inch deep -- a moderate bite wound. There was no hold, but possible lacerations and further damage pending from Arietta’s next movements. Birna’s shoulder would also knock into the front of her {Arietta} left rear leg, where the fleshy bit met her side, causing bruising and the woman to stumble momentarily, catching herself before she fell over.

Arietta was not confident that she could take down this larger opponent. Birna was stronger than her, more experienced, but the femme sure as hell was going to go down fighting. Once again Arietta would check her defenses. Pinned ears, narrowed eyes, head aligned with the spine. Check! Tail tucked, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward... Check! Of course her weight had needed to be redistributed after the attacks of the larger woman, and Arietta would do so. She would also widen her stance once more, spreading her legs and toes. Claws would bite into the earth, lips snarling as she made her own attack once more.

Arietta would go for a similar attack of what she tried before. Flexing her knees Arietta would throw her weight into her back legs as she pushed up on her front. Arietta would then make her attack on Birna’s wounded left hip and base of the tail, aiming to have the top of her jaw land over the base of the tail once more and the bottom jaw land across the woman’s {Birna} thigh over the previous wound to make them worse in a severe bite. In addition to this Arietta would then shift her weight to her front left foreleg, aiming to slam it into Birna’s left back kneecap right in the crevice where the bones would bend -- the same move the woman tried on her -- and then immediately bring it down upon the outside left back toes of the larger woman in hopes of breaking them. Then, to follow up her other attacks, Arietta would aim to step quickly to her left with her hind legs and slam her left hip into Birna’s ribs. In perspective this would leave the woman {Arietta} side by side, parallel, with Birna, so close that their fur was touching.

Arietta vs Birna For Maim  {Displace Back Left Knee} || Round:: 2/2

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Dione