
knew you were trouble when you walked in


04-13-2013, 10:44 PM

She spent a little while, just pawing at it, trying to figure it out. How weird. She whined one last time before she heard a voice behind her. Her tail wagged a little more, ears perking up high on her head as her head turned, tongue still lulled from her lips. She pulled it back into her mouth, lips curling up to reveal pearly white teeth in a soft smile. She looked over at her, not answering the question right away. Her belly was rounded, causing Wisteria's tail to wag a little more as she padded over to her quickly. She stopped a few feet from her, leaning her head towards her, neck outstretched as she took in the older woman's scent. She let a little murr go through her throat, erupting into a high pitched bark of greeting. Her tail continued to wag as she walked to the side, looking at her larger belly. She smiled brightly, trying to lick the side of her stomach with a happy little whimper.

She pulled away, paws dancing on the ground with excitement as she whined lightly, bright green eyes filled with joy. She hadn't been around another wolf in forever. It was so exciting! "Hello!" Finally she spoke, not really answering the question she had asked her. Wisteria's voice was a soft whisper, like it always was. Not because she was whispering, just because her vocal chords would not allow her voice to speak any louder. It was strange yes, but it had always been like that.


coding by mie , image by sammy , credits here