
My mind is a blank



5 Years
10-17-2015, 02:48 PM
Johnny Cash - Hurt

The rain would run down the brutes form with something of a majestic wonder. His shorter fur meant that it simply plastered to his sides rather than growing soggy and hanging from him. It would roll down his scared snout and drip from his chin. As he walked through the elements, seemingly unphased by them, his head was low, eyes scanning the world around him. He ran soaked pelt laid flat against him helped to highlight the lean, toned muscles that ran down his legs and his broad shoulders. His lean abdomen, hardly any fat ever found on the man. His ears where standing on end as he approached Sonticus. His mate's pack. He wanted to visit Avalon today, free of the chores laid down by his sister. The recent events had put Newol in a very low key. His smile had gone on absences for several days now, so focused on his duties and goals.

It was a wicked dance that they all where apart of. He knew better than most. It was this very chaos that had caused him to become what he was. It was why he wanted to create a pack of his own before his time ended. To wedge a wall between his family and the rest of the world. Alacritis took just as much as it gave. Sometimes more. But for right now the dust the only storm was the one overhead. As he grew closer to the boarder, though, he would catch a hint of his cousin's scent. At once, without hesitation, he would alter his course, curious as to why she would be beyond Sonticus borders. He'd only seen her once or twice and those had been occasions from long ago, but he was at least comfortable that she would recognize his scent at this point. His pace through the trees would quicken as he drew himself closer to her.

He's only concern was talking to her. The year he'd spent in the wilderness without uttering a single word had taken it's toll as his speech wasn't yet quite what it used to be. That concern would fad once he found her though. She was a site to behold, all tore up and sobbing at the ground. A pang would bite at Newol's soft soul. To him all that mattered was that she was family, and she was hurting. He didn't care about any outcomes or results. He only cared that everyone was still alive come the morning. She had a place at his side regardless of what rank or title she carried. Issuing a low bark to proclaim his presence, he would give her a moment. To grieve, to hurt, to be at pain. Then he would step forward with a single wave of his tail. A very somber expression on his face. The corners of his maw turned down. His displeasure was not with her in the slightest. His motions where soft and gentle. "Arian. Your not done yet." He would take a set before her, no fear in him. He would not fear her, not with their relation. She didn't need fear right now either. Nor anger. Or pitty for that matter. All the girl needed was comfort, he could see that. And comforting those who where down was pretty much the brute's job. They where all his siblings in the end.