
Beneath her skin[PRIVATE]


04-13-2013, 10:59 PM

Blood, it dripped from the reaction that he had displayed. She closed her eyes with her rapture. It was never enough and always so alluring. The call of death was a song she often sang. Not out of desire to leave the world but simply to feel that edge. Just one more cut, just one more bite, just one more break and she would fall with her pleasure. She shuddered as she listened to his respond. Her ears fell back. He didn?t understand. She didn?t need to bleed him often to remember. She had done so now and she would remember. It was a complicated matter and she didn?t feel the need to explain it further. Maybe only she could understand it.

His second comment about Zara made her just blink at him. He wanted to be her only one did he? The thought swirled around her mind for a moment. Zara had been the reasons she was queen now. Had she not ordered her to fight Sade then she wouldn?t have been the current queen. Their relationship was strained from her absence and it was very possible it would break entirely if she didn?t keep her hold over her. ?Careful what slips from your mouth.? She warned. Who knew who was watching them. Little birds often flew to their masters and whispered half-truths to ensure their own desires. She didn?t want unnecessary blood shed. The confusion was evident in her eyes. Where did her loyalties lie? She was so sure of whom she served and whom she protected. Now the line was graying and she was unsure whose side she would stand on.

?Kaios..? would you fight for me? the words never left her mouth as the smell of water hit her nose. She felt like all of a sudden her mouth was made of sand. That if she spat it would be nothing but dust on the wind. She couldn?t help the hunger that filled her as she took off. Her run was odd to try and compensate for the extra weight her unborn pups were adding to her. Soon enough she touched the water and allowed a few deep swallows to fill her. Her head turned to ensure that her mate was indeed following her. He needed water just as badly as she did and if she had to drag him to it she would.

Down in Mexico...