
What Dawn Brings


10-18-2015, 06:19 PM

The man would wake that morning with a goal in mind. Not just any goal, but one of the utmost importance. As he stirred, he would be careful not to rose Nona or Noen, his wife and son. No, today was the day for his daughter to be by his side. He had not spent as much time as he would have liked with his children, due to their sickness and relocation, but now the man was trying his best to make up for lost time. It seemed like just yesterday the little ones were so small that they couldn't leave the den. Now... they were ready to begin learning.

Allen had heard from Nona that his little girl aspired to be like him. Just as their son aspired to be like his wife. Allen would gently blow into his daughter's ear, whispering to her. "Wake up, my Alna. Today is a bright new day." Allen would whisper to her. "We're going somewhere, just you and I." Allen would pull back, his dark gaze shining as he looked down happily at his little girl. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah