
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}

Mercy I


5 Years

10-18-2015, 11:09 PM
Mercy's bite hit where she had aimed, and she grinned at the touch of blood that sprayed into her mouth. She held him in her grips, and as soon as she got a solid hold Mercy attempted to twist her head towards her own left, hoping to snap his upper jaw off its hinge. Her ears quivered when she heard the breath rush from Xeph's lungs, and figured that Raba had hit her target as well. As much as she hated that the stupid brat jumped in on her fight, she was glad that Raba was at least good and holding her own ground, careful to not get in her way. Mercy would grant the girl the same courtesy, trying to give her as much space as possible.

As she felt Xeph's leg buckle under impact, she grinned and moved to place her paw back on the earth. But surprisingly he ripped his jaws from her grasp, causing her jaws to snap together from the force she was trying to maintain. Damn, he was better than she had given him credit for at first. From the force of her grip she didn't doubt that her teeth tore into his lips even deeper. But the woman had little time to think, he was making a move for her raised paw, and thinking quickly, the pale woman aimed to rear up on her hind legs, shifting her weight to her back legs as she tucked her front legs close to her chest, avoiding Xeph's teeth. With her now raised posture her tail tucked in towards her belly, trying to cover it's exposure. Her back legs were spread an equal distance apart as her toes spread, claws biting into the ground. Hind legs were bent slightly, her eyes still narrowed and her ears still hugging her skull. Mercy's chin tucked towards her neck, shoulders rolling forward as best as she could, hackles still raised. Lips curled as her teeth were bore, a snarl ripping through her throat. "Not close enough!" she mocked, but there was a hint of admiration in her voice.

She almost felt bad enough to stop there and not try to attack Xeph again. Almost. At her raised position, Mercy towered even taller over the shorter male, and she took only a moment to
admire the view. And then like a posed cobra, the white woman struck. Mercy attempted to lift herself on her tip toes, hoping to elevate her upper half over Xeph's downward tilted head. Her legs shot out, and Mercy intended to come crashing down on his head, her front left paw aimed for just in front of his right ear, her right front paw aimed for just behind his right ear. She hoped that with her downward motion she would force his head down with her. At the same time her jaws parted, pulling towards her own right as her chin tilted slightly to her left. Mercy aimed to bite Xeph on the right side of his neck, her upper jaw aimed for an inch behind his jaws, her bottom jaw hoping to sink into the center of his throat. Mercy hoped to bite down with enough force to crush his windpipe, as well as hoping to continue to push him down.

Karabela and Mercy vs Xephyris for Dominance Rd 2/2
Sorry for the phone post!

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.