
The Wind Whispered To Me


10-19-2015, 08:13 PM

She nodded in renewed greeting when the femme sounded happy about their meeting. Truth be told, on the inside, she felt...content. That this woman would choose to share time with her without judging and shying away from her abnormality. It was obvious the woman had noticed, but chose to make no comments on it now. It was nice to just be around someone without getting odd stares, it was a common thing in her life since she chose to walk this path, but it still bothered her. As Esarosa looked back to the sky, she too would return her attention to it. The colors growing more vibrant against the clouds as the sun steadily rose to kiss the sky.

Her ears would swivel back to the midnight woman, gaze returned to her as well. Her explanation was simple enough, and she found herself absent-mindedly agreeing with slow nods. Then her question brought a small smile to her lips. "I am from the southern continent. I don't really live anywhere, so I guess that makes me a traveler like you." What she would not say was that she was an exile, an outcast, more like...dead to her pack because of what she chose to be. Her former pack believed she was dead, her mother having gotten her out before they could kill the abomination. But that would not take the smile from her. She would bury it, not completely...but someday it would be buried six feet deep and forgotten along with the rest of the world's history.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'