
knew you were trouble when you walked in



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2013, 12:08 AM

The young female turned, and Erani immediately noticed the lack of fear, and was greeted with the same friendliness as Asheni. The young lass showed no fear, coming right up to Erani and stopping to sniff. She seemed to notice Erani?s pregnancy, and her already wagging tail wagged harder. She spoke beautifully with her body, but where was her spoken voice? Erani gave a gentle whuff to the young one.

The little one gave Erani?s swollen sides a lick, and was rewarded by the sensitive reactions of the unborn life within the white healer. The belly rippled and rolled visibly for a moment, then settled into a lull. Then one moved alone, and settled back into sleep. Erani couldn?t hold herself back. She bent her head and aimed a lick toward the friendly youngster?s shoulder as she pulled away. For a moment, the youngster danced as though so excited she couldn?t sit still. And then? There it was. A soft, whispered, but definitely spoken hello. Nothing more, but it made Erani smile.

?My name is Erani. I am the Lead Healer of Valhalla, a Pack nearby. What is your name?? Her tail thumped encouragingly against the hard packed earth of the range as she gazed at the young one. Who was she? Where was she from? What must have befallen such a sweet, friendly child to leave her wandering alone? Erani?s heightened maternal instincts made her want to take the little lass home. Cairo would understand that reaction, but Collision? What would he think? His actions had been so? She couldn?t find a word for how they made her feel.