
Blank Space



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-21-2015, 07:35 PM

Silently the King wondered to himself just who this woman's father was. The names of very few alphas, current and former, stuck with Valentine. He doubted the name of Avalon's sire would ring a bell, but that didn't lessen his interest any. If she had pressed him for his opinion of her dream she wouldn't have liked what he had to say. He didn't like the idea of being a legacy himself; of standing in the shadow of someone else; of being a replica, a knock off. No, he wanted to stand alone and be remembered by his name, not the names of his predecessors.

She admitted that he wasn't what she expected and he chuckled, the sound a low rumble of amusement. He dipped his head in a small show of gratitude as Avalon gave her impression of him. The question she asked didn't require much thought at all, but answering did. While he knew why he found Arian so distasteful, putting those internal feelings into words was hard. "I don't know her personally, only formally, as an alpha. And I'm not fond of her because she is extremely unsuited for her position and that irks me." His gaze sought the distance for a moment as he tried to string his thoughts together in an intelligible way. "Not once in our dealings - our first meeting was when she acquired her first pack - has she come across as intelligent or capable. She has, each time, been emotion and/or so clumsy with words that it made taking her seriously very hard. It was like dealing with a child."

Okay, so maybe his dislike required a bit more thought than he'd originally believed. "I don't think someone as incapable as Arian should be commanding others. I think in doing so, in subjecting them to her thoughtless and occasionally downright dangerous," his thoughts went to the time she'd visited Imperium while heavily pregnant to beg for an alliance or a truce, "ways she is endangering the very lives she thinks she is protecting."

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.