
stay happy there



10 Years
Extra large
10-21-2015, 09:41 PM
Was Áki hard to figure out? No, not necessarily; though his independence was ingrained in him so deeply that it wouldn't be a lie to claim he was inherently selfish, he was quite easy to understand.. for the few that knew him well. He was motivated by the possibility of freedom, of exploration and newness. All he cared to do was to live life to its fullest, in whatever way he pleased, with no inhibitions.

"Good for you," he would say, his words quite genuine, not at all sarcastic. "As long as it works for you, that's all that matters." He'd never been taught to care what others thought, or to do as was expected of him - the only two opinions he might take seriously were those of Sabine and Sunniva, and even that was questionable.

He'd taken the lead in entering the barn, though his crimson stare would snap back to Valentine briefly before he turned to explore the structure a bit more. His posture was relaxed, and a slight smile tugged at his lips. "Or a good place to hide from someone," he would muse, forcing a pensive look to his features for a long moment. "Or with someone." There was a playful, teasing tone to his voice, and he would turn and lean to nudge Valentine's shoulder playfully. There was no doubt that the brute was interested in Valentine, he fascinated him - how he was so similar, and yet so different at the same time - and the prospect of hiding in here was something that was not so terrible. "So long as you stay on your toes when a storm hits, it seems like a decent enough shelter..."

His attention shifted upwards, gazing at the rafters overhead, examining the strange creation. Finally he would turn to eye the metal thing that sat here, looking quite dangerous and foreign - and he would circle around it, sniffing at the abandoned tractor with a slight frown. "This thing, however.. definitely looks dangerous.."