
I keep trying to find me

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-22-2015, 01:23 AM
Bright nodded in return to him as he confirmed that he was from the coast - she wondered what life was like by the sea, the air damp and salty. The cuisine must have been quite unique. However, she was glad she lived where she did, as the lands were drier and closer to what she was used to, with a variety of prey that appealed to her. She tilted her head as he mentioned he had also been new to these lands at one time. So he hadn't exactly been born here, but it sounded like he'd been rooted here for quite some time now. "Well, if you're still here, these lands must be quite livable," she mused in a soft voice. It was good to know that this place was capable of supporting wolves for season upon season, and was not so wrought with danger as to scare away its inhabitants.

It seemed he was a man of few words, but she did not mind. The silence was serene, the fresh air and cool water revitalizing. Reveling in the peace for a few moments longer, Bright found that her curiosity was growing, and she wanted to know more about this stranger and what else he could tell her about this place. Tail waved gently in the light breeze as she looked his way, her expression inquisitive. "Do you come here often?" she asked, wondering why he'd strayed from home, "I came here hoping to find out if there were any herbs. I'm no healer, but the skill has gained my interest as of late." She fell silent and glanced around to the environment - though beautiful, it seemed to yield little in the way of herbs and flowers. Although, she was sure it was rich in prey at certain times of the year, which was highly appealing as well.