
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
10-22-2015, 05:34 PM
Cas' eyes wandered the field eagerly, tensing in readiness every time a Hellstrom wolf entered the fray, but she sagged back in disappointment and disbelief as every single one either attacked a weak Abaven wolf or piled in to gang up on someone. She was pleased and jealous to see Hati being a good little attack dog and single-mindedly rushing Sin, and the sight of Vana going to the rescue of some dinky little Abaven girl who'd been set on by... Arian's hulking bodyguard? well now, that made things suddenly more than a teeny bit suspicious didn't it? Was this Arian's meddling, then? ... and immediately ganged up on by two more adults nearly had her rushing in but Integra jumped in as backup and she lost sight of them all in the chaos. Integra and Evangeline had both been trained as warriors nearly from birth - though they were young she didn't think she'd have overly much to worry about unless the Abaven youth tripped them up. They could take care of themselves. She completely disregarded the eyeless wolf who quivered in in the midst of the group as though he were going to actually fight. Booooring, who wanted to fight a wolf who couldn't even see? They could save that for mopping up if they really needed to, but it wasn't like he was a threat.

Like her alpha and her son, Cas tried to bide her time, but she was simply getting more and more frustrated, her hackles raising in annoyance. Were they avoiding her? "Cowardly little pissants aren't they?" she snarled through a rather fixed grin to Valentine. Chill, chill, she was totally chill. Totally not pissed off that she wasn't getting a fight for the second siege in a flipping row, nope. Totally... chill... Of Imperium, even Valen's little toy had showed up, but she knew just from the scent markers at the border they'd crossed that this couldn't possibly be the number of adults Hellstrom could actually field. So where were the rest of them hiding? She could scent pups in the scents mixed in Hellstrom's pack scent, but did they really need to be babysat at a time like this? She shifted irritably and added, "Tempting to go looking for the rest of Hellstrom's wolves since they aren't putting up much of a fight. Find out where Sin's hiding his little brats and take one. Maybe Vana'd like a pet slave to bully instead of her baby siblings, eh?"

But her ears pricked in interest as a young Hellstrom wolf took down a (brightly colored, weird, and reminded her very much of Dione) young Abaven wolf and then immediately turned to flee instead of staying to help his pack. Wow, there's loyalty for ya. "Mine, mine, I call it, this one's mine!" she sang out to Valentine and Angelus, her whole demeanor changing from grumpitude to excitement.

Her joints bent slightly to lower her center of gravity, putting her into what amounted to a hunting stalk, her weight evenly distributed. Her stance widened, her toes spreading to increase her surface area and therefore her grip. Her dull claws dug in, ready to propel her forward, as her head and tail leveled with her spine. Scarred muzzled tucked to guard her throat, she rolled her shoulders forward, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, and her ears back tight to her head. Oh yes. This was so on.

She launched herself forward, aiming to close the distance between her and the boy Naoise in great big bounds, attempting to come in directly behind him and without breaking stride, sought to shift her weight to her hindquarters and midleap attempted to rear up and bring her whole weight crashing down with her lower chest aimed for his hips halfway between hip bones and the base of his tail. Her forepaws sought to wrap around the front of his hips - her right paw on his right side, her left paw on his left - seeking to hook under his hips against his belly and drag him back against her. "Where d'you think you're going, sweetheart?" she snarked at the lad with a manic grin, aiming to snap her head forward, jaws attempting to hook around his spine with her nose to his left side and her chin to his right halfway between his hips and shoulders, seeking to crush vertebrae and cripple him.

Round 1/? (as it is a claim it can be as many rounds as you want it to be)
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!