Trying to get home...
Lyndvarr had been up for nearly an hour before Inga's call startled him from his drifting thoughts. It had been a joy to reunite with his old caretaker, to hear her wisdom regarding the death of his mother and her words gave him strength. Yet, it had been strange to see her again. When they'd parted ways it was under the assumption that they'd never see each other again. However, it was his mother that most consumed his thoughts and he gazed out his den at the dawn sky and wondered what it was like in Valhalla. He'd heard snippets from stories, just basic things. Lynvarr wanted to know what the day to day was like. Was it like down here or did they feast all the time? Auöra had been such a quiet soul, he couldn't quite see her feasting away day after day.
Inga's loud howl mere feet away from his den caused Lyndvarr's fur to stand on end as he scrambled to his feet, his heart racing as he took a couple of deep breaths. Inga was not normally a loud soul but boy when she wanted to trumpet her voice to the sky she sure had a powerful instrument. Strong, low and every bit as solid as the legs she was standing on. Lyndvarr smoothed out his coat before emerging from his den. "Good morning Inga, how are you faring today?"