
My Cathedral is the Badlands



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-23-2015, 06:34 PM

Her heart continued to drop the more she saw disappointment in the other woman. She hated that she couldn't be of any help right now, but she would keep to her word in keeping eyes and ears open for her missing ones. In the meantime, she would offer what help she could. Listening attentively to Aserlin, she thought for a moment before responding. "I understand, Sonticus is one of few who are left to help those in need. However, you might want to try your luck at Fiori, our brethren pack. They lie in the East, and Abaven are near them as well. Both are kinder packs then most, perhaps they might have seen your son. Donostrea might be a chance, though they are kind, they mostly keep to themselves so I doubt they would be there."

She pondered telling the woman about the other packs, the ones who seemed more...inclined to working for themselves. Would it be a wise idea to send her their way? She would hate herself for sending a kind rogue to them, and they end up forcing her into something that could have been avoided. But alas, perhaps it would be the only chance she would have at finding her sisters. With a small inaudible sigh, she would give in to the notion. "There are two more packs...but I would tread with caution. Imperium lie in the south. But they can be unpredictable and alot of their members seem...power driven. Yfir...I don't know too much about except that they follow viking tradition, at least from what I've learned. I don't know how they are, but I would be careful."
"Talk" "You" Think


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