
Buried Bones



6 Years
Dragon Mod
10-24-2015, 01:08 AM

The siege had fallen in the attackers favor, Hellstrom was no more. Sin had walked away, bloodied and torn but that did not stop him from sounding the retreat. Abaven had chosen to bring imperium to aid them, a cowardly move considering Hellstrom had so few warriors to start, and that only fueled his dislike for the destruction family. Did they all act so cowardly? Fueled by no more then revenge, Bass seemed to have sat idly by while imperium did all the dirty work...they would pay for their folly someday, but at least his youngest were safe in Donostrea for now. He would go to collect them once he was healed, and after he gathered those who fought so valiantly. The fights did not go unnoticed, Seifer briefing him as they walked.

He limped up the deck, retreating to the Antiox was hard, but he was no fool. He knew when the battle was lost, they were no fools. He only hoped the rest would escape, and those who were unfortunate enough to get caught, well...he would find them in due time. He did not regret his actions for bringing down a worthless pack, Abaven had fought for nothing. He would continue to rent asunder those who did not belong, and now it was time to heal until he was strong enough for his next move. Standing atop the deck overlooking the sea, the wind brushed his pelt, blood drying upon him only further added to his collection of spilled blood. Single eye narrowed, his right eye swelled shut, though he had lost something, it was only minor compared to what others would lose in the future. A heavy growl resonated in his core, he wasn't done.

"Behold my glorious eyepatch of doom!"