
The Wind Whispered To Me


10-24-2015, 03:22 AM

Another nod confirmed towards Esarosa, "Mhm. And it's pretty there, but the only way to get there is by crossing the only road that leads out that way, previously cut off by the ocean. But it's open now." She looked at her then, a small smile growing steadily bigger. This woman was friendly, Valentina could see herself being friends with her quite easily. "I can show you if you want, there are things there not found here. Like trees that bleed red when scratched, and a stone structure that bears many mysterious things made by humans."

It was evident that the midnight woman was tired of being alone, and truth be told so was she. "The world has much to offer, and many mysteries that lay hidden. I've got nothing going on, no plans. I'm a traveler such as yourself. I don't mind showing you a few things." She looked at her, warmth in her gaze and a smile on her face. Thanks to this stranger, she was smiling again. She had no plans of settling anytime soon, though fate had a way of changing things beyond control. Still, she enjoyed her time of seeing the world. But it wasn't much fun alone. "De donde vienes? Where are you from, if I may ask?"

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'