
Risk Taking



3 Years
10-24-2015, 05:09 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It had taken the young white wolf some time to gather up the courage to make an active step toward his future. Where the last opportunity had come to him and, in a way, swept him right along with it, this one had done so quietly, even leaving him with time to think and ponder and choose when the time was right for him. Miksa was not at all sure if he was making the right decision - as much as he wanted to hold on to the hope that Threar and its leaders might one day return, that day did not seem to be close at hand, and he needed someplace to be in the meantime, someplace new that he could become a part of and do something worthwhile with his life.

As he walked quietly, slowly along, his expression solemn with deep thought, he wondered what he was getting himself into. The grey wolf, Surreal, had appeared kind and generous, sweet in a big sister sort way, but proud and ambitious in ways that he had not seen in Frith or Novella. Was it possible she reminded him a little of Odette, the woman that had taken over as leader of his first pack that brought him back to his birthplace in the north? Maybe that was it. Hearing Surreal's ideas for her future pack had brought him back toward that youthful sort of optimism filled with potential that promised of something greater to come. And right now, lost and floundering to get his feet under him again, taking up with something that presented itself as a solid anchor and beaming beacon of the future gave him hope.

The west was a place that he had never passed through before, and Miksa could not stop himself from glancing around him while second guessing his direction. Was he going the right way? Were they just north of the path he was making, or just south? Had they moved? There was no guarantee he was going to find them, even when he did reach some sort of end point to his journey. It would have been his luck to travel all this way and find nothing but the opposite shoreline to the one he had lived on previously. He sighed, hung his head as he walked, and though his mind was full of negativity, he did not stop, clinging to his determination that he was going to make this journey, put forth this effort to try and find a place for him to fit, even if it failed in the end.