
Curiouser And Curiouser


10-24-2015, 10:12 PM

Hm? Too bad? Man, this guy was big for his britches. Her tail slowly waved as she regarded him with untamed curiosity. She wanted to know more about him, wanted to know more about this place. So he was the alpha huh? No wonder he strutted his stuff. It was fitting she supposed, that such a man aired so much confidence. "Well Valentine of Imperium. It's a pleasure." A grin would tug at her lips, brow raising as his masculine voice boomed out. Watashinonamaeha Kasai-desu." She smirked, wondering if he'd catch the gist of what she'd said, which was really rather simple. She had introduced herself in her native tongue, and she would be rather surprised if someone here understood a thing she said.

"A pretty name for a pretty boy. " She would move, walking towards him at a short distance as she decided to walk around him. Silver gaze locked on his, betraying nothing but curiosity and confidence. And perhaps a hint of something else. Mischief perhaps? Who knew. She inspected him as she walked a full circle around him, a low hum slipping past her tongue. "Not bad." Returning to her original place, she cocked a brow as she sat down, plume wrapping neatly around her paws. "So is your pack full of pretty boys like yourself?"
