
I keep trying to find me

Bright Moon


6 Years
10-24-2015, 11:37 PM
She smiled back at him and nodded in acknowledgement as he confirmed the fertility of these lands. It seemed like a good place for young wolves to grow up, without fear or famine. If only she could have raise her pups here, perhaps her son, Ajax, would not have been kidnapped and brainwashed to become just like his father. If Ajax hadn't left, then perhaps Esarosa would have stayed with her family, too. Fear and paranoia would not have forced her from her home. She would be naive to believe that this continent was completely void of dangers, but so far it felt safer, and much more welcoming. The valley she'd come from was quite hospitable as well, but their neighbors were far from friendly, a constant threat to their safety and peace of mind. Evil had plagued the lands through and through. She prayed that her son Haru would remain safe and strong, leading their pack into the future at the side of the Alpha's daughter.

She was drawn back to the present moment when the man spoke again, admitting it was his first journey through these woods. It was her first time seeing the weeping woods as well. It was a sight well worth the exploration. Silver eyes meet bronze as she saw his face change, expressing intrigue as she mentioned finding herbs. Bright nodded to confirm her reason for being here - then he would add that he was here for the same thing. In fact, he was a healer. What a pleasant coincidence! Perhaps she could learn a thing or two from him. The lightest chuckle escaped her as the male puffed up after proudly announcing his rank. "What a coincidence that we are in the same place, for the same reason," she commented earnestly, "My name is Bright Moon, but I just go by Bright. What should I call you, sir?" She hoped that he would share his name, so she would know it for future reference, though she was also curious as to where he belonged, particularly if it was another pack.