
Why can't the world revolve around me?



3 Years
Extra large
10-25-2015, 04:41 AM
navigation - the whispering caves

She totally wasn't breaking the rules. She totally wasn't breaking her aunt's promise.

Who was she kidding?

A season older she now was, a little larger, stronger and perhaps smarter as compared to her first venture away from the den. With all her mental will, she had tried to steer herself away from the outside world, forcing herself to partake in supervised activities with her siblings and talk civilly with her mother. How could she ever be more bored? Her life practically ran on excitement - it was her fuel. Without it she was the miserable girl - quick to start fights - who no-one wanted to be around. But that was alright, she couldn't care less about other canines' opinions, for she had her own life to lead.

Upon a chilly autumn's morning, the child sneaked out to embark on her quick though hopefully unnoticed adventure. In her thoughts, she reminded herself to wander away from the eastern direction, as she had ventured that way before only to find herself in an unpleasant swamp. Keeping to the west, she hoped to find a more interesting area to explore, and the thought of that motivated her paws to trek onwards. As the gulley thinned, a looming shape close to the ground appeared ahead. Curious, she pushed her aching paws to break into a run until she found herself looking into the gaping entrance to the subterranean world. With eerie shadows floating in the tunnel, it was no wonder the child's limbs trembled. Yes, Zephyra the Fearless was still afraid of the dark. Reluctantly, she turned around, preparing to go back the way she came until she heard the faintest of rustles. Whether it was her imagination playing with her, she stood completely still, as if waiting for something to happen.
