
Beneath her skin[PRIVATE]


04-14-2013, 04:28 AM

She mulled his words over around in her mind. Was Zara truly a coward for asking her to take on Sade? It was never in her nature to question her masters before. Good or bad whatever role they needed her to play she did it. Now she was her own master in a sense. She still needed to feel the pricing of skin and the love of violence was far to great for her to break. What ever her masters reason had been for her to fight the little queen she had no regrets. She was here and she bore the thorn crown adored with roses. Not the former queen and certainly not Zara. She had placed her own twist to the pack and had found many coming around the borders and testing her. She chuckled at the thought. She had made her laws and she had kept them.

The next question seemed to be harder for him to answer. Her ears twitched as he searched for the words to give her. What had she wanted to hear? Maybe, that the first night had meant something? No, she had chalked that up as a burning desire that needed quenching and he happened to be the one to quench it for her. She was no hapless romantic, who thought childish thoughts of love at first sight and all that bullshit. Maybe she wanted to know she was not the ugly thing her sister had drilled over into her head over and over again. Whatever the reason she was not expecting his answer. He wanted something new. She tilted her head to the side with the words. She was unsure how to decipher them.

His next question made her turn to look at him. Nothing betrayed her thoughts in her features. She wondered if she had learned that from her father. For a moment her body froze at the thought. Something screamed in her head and she was lost in the darkness again. It was only a second but it startled her. She shook her head of the distant scream that seemed to still echo in her mind. ?Well, I didn?t want to risk a still born. Battle can cause detrimental effects to unborn pups.? She said, though as he thought that had merely been one reason. ?Maybe, I just want to be claimed? That you came and demanded something of me made me simply want it? Your other mate, former mate,? she corrected, ?Loathed you. I don?t know why. You have done nothing to me for me to detest you so as she does. I enjoyed our random encounter and simply felt it was worth exploring.? She said with a smile.

She wasn?t the type to lie but she could bend the truth if needed. She did no such thing today and she nearly jumped out of her skin when he kissed her. It was so sudden and she couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her lips. Her paw pushed against his chest in a playful manner and all conversation slipped away. She allowed a kiss to grace his muzzle in return and moved towards the waters where she lunged into them sending a hard splash of water to flow in different directions in an attempt to hit him.

Ooc: I fail at short responds xD