
Blank Space



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-25-2015, 01:50 PM

After he finished delivering his reasons silence fell briefly. Valentine didn't mind, if he'd been the recipient of an explanation like that he'd have needed a moment to digest it all too. "I see..." He eyed her carefully and tried to determine whether or not she'd taken offense. If she did and his impression of her was true he was probably in for a heated lecture.

The response he got wasn't one he expected. The woman agreed with him - to an extent. What she didn't agree with she justified by saying at least Arian was trying. "Trying is acceptable, admirable, even, when one is attempting to master a skill or mend a relationship. I don't think," he said carefully, "the same can be said when one is in charge of leading others. You don't need to be perfect to lead - if that were the case none would be capable of it - but trying to be a leader isn't the same as being a leader."

He paused to consider her other statements before replying. It didn't surprise him that Sonticus had issues with Yfir. Katja struck him as someone who disliked inferiority just as much as he did. Like him, she'd probably zeroed in on Arian's many weaknesses and decided to keep her pack as far from that hot mess as possible. "I have much respect for Yfir's Drottin," he said simply. She was a force to be reckoned with and Arian was right to fear her. Just as she was right to fear him.

Avalon next attempted to smooth over relations between the two packs. "We do," he confirmed, "and while I appreciate the effort - and while your willingness to try to make up for the shortcomings of your alpha is admirable - I strongly doubt a relationship between our packs could be mutually beneficial and I can't foresee a situation where Sonticus would be able to aid Imperium in any way." Joking lightly, he said, "I've wandered Sonticus territory, remember." He had a pretty good idea of what Sonticus had and did not have.

Taking a deep, cleansing breath first, Valentine then changed the subject. "I think that's more than enough talk about Arian. And actually, I would like to talk about you, Avalon." He sought her gaze. "I would like to think I'm a pretty good judge of character and my impression of you is that you are reliable, loyal and passionate. I think you are capable and level-headed; I think you Avalon, are a valuable asset," he said firmly. He then went on to say, "I also think Sonticus is squandering your talents and that is a terrible, terrible shame." Valentine paused to try to gauge Avalon's reaction to what he'd said so far. Regardless, he pressed on. "I want you to consider coming to Imperium." His tone passionate, he said, "Consider this: in Imperium you will be given every opportunity to become a better fighter. You will have a support system of like-minded individuals who wish to not only better themselves, but see you reach a higher mastery. Individuals who will hold you accountable. Through hard work and respect you could rise through the ranks with ease, excelling in whatever field interests you the most. And if Imperium doesn't currently have a rank that suits you I want you in my ranks enough that I am willing to work with you to create a rank that you think you and Imperium will benefit the most from."

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.