
So Scary



5 Years
10-25-2015, 02:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Naturally Glacier did not see her lack of a gift as any sort of problem, but it still did not entirely change how she felt. He had done so much for her that Anais wanted in that moment to give him something just as fantastic, as beautiful, to convey the depth of her feelings for him, just the same way that he had. She smiled to herself as he promised that her reaction was enough, and continued to lean against him as he wrapped his head around her neck, but promised herself that she would set aside time to find something for him - a stone, a flower, a shell from the shoreline - something that would offer him a reminder of her and, if possible, match everything that he had already gifted to her. It would in no way be a simple, quick assignment, but considering how much he meant to her time was inconsequential.

The longer she stayed beside him, against him, the more the self-conscious girl wanted to immerse herself in his warmth, his sweetness, his consideration for her. She wanted to wrap herself up in everything that made him wonderful and stay with him for days and months and years on end. Lifting her head again, she nuzzled once more into his neck, her own eyes closing as her cheek brushed through his thick blue fur. There was a strong temptation to kiss his cheek, a temptation that she was not sure would be wholly satisfied with that single act alone, but before she could decide whether to act on it or not Glacier stepped away and turned his head toward the stream. The smile on his face spoke plainly enough why he did it, and, as she seemed incredibly prone to doing today, she blushed another time, certain she needed the small amount of space between them too.

His inquiry expertly steered the conversation away from the seasonal awkwardness that hung over them like an intoxicating cloud, and Anais could not stop herself from chuckling at the accurate description he gave of her work thus far. "I know," she answered almost apologetically, feeling sheepish herself at how much of the hunting she had taken on solely for herself and how consumed she must have appeared to those to who saw her over the past month. "I'm still nervous about calling any hunts together to share the responsibility. I've sort of convinced myself your brothers and sisters are too busy to help out," she explained, though only partially admitted to the truth. She was also afraid they would simply turn down her request. "But the hunting's been good for me," she added with an affirmative nod, and had to force herself to add, "it's given me time to think." Was she really going to bring this all up now? She had just created the perfect opening, the perfect chance to find out if they were on the same page or whether she was a couple pages ahead. Though she sat again and shifted her weight nervously, Anais prepared herself to unveil her thoughts to her slow and steady partner.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.