
Stolen Dance (Open Spar)

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
10-25-2015, 07:12 PM

Birna took a few deep breaths, seeking to clear the fog of thoughts from her head so that she might fight clearly.  Her ambitions had blossomed, her eyes setting upon the rank of Praetor within Imperium and she knew she still had work to do before she could reach that rank.  Every fight was crucial and she could no longer afford to let herself slip up.  Icy blue eyes fixed on a large ivory male that was stalking toward her, tail lifted high.  Well, well, now what was this?  Her eyes narrowed as the man's single blue eye started at her, his left one completely gone.  Scars ran down his face and it was clear to her this man had seen several battles.  Something about the man seemed… off, unstable, she could feel it in her gut but she refused to show fear, her appearance being one of stoic calm as cold and indifferent as winter herself.

However, as he spoke she would grin.  Birna was a violent creature in her own right and she could sense they at least had that in common.  This was an excellent chance to cut loose. "Very well, then I expect you to come at me as if you intend to destroy me.  I will do no less to you." Defenses fell quickly into place.  Skull and tail lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked slightly and neck scrunched back as her shoulders rolled forward, pushing fur and fat over her vitals.  Hackles rose sharply as limbs spread equidistant apart, bending slightly to lower her center of gravity as well as evenly distribute her weight.  Toes splayed as claws dug into the earth.  Jaws parted, eyes narrowed and ears pinned tight to her head.

Powerful limbs beat into the ground as Birna launched herself forward, attempting to close the distance between herself and Ehrgeiz.  Birna attempted to approach the man nearly head on but a few inches to her own left so that the front of her right shoulderblade would align with the underside of the man's neck, a few inches above the sternum.  She sought to drive the front portion of her right shoulder blade in the man's trachea with the intent of severely bruising the trachea and crippling the man's breathing for the remainder of the fight.  Birna also attempted to thrust the exact center of her chest into the front of Ehrgeiz's upper right shoulder, exhaling as she did so to prevent her own breath being knocked from her.  Her goal was to try to use her weight and momentum to shake her opponents balance and cause the other wolf to stumble.  It was a gambit for sure, for she knew she'd receive bruising in return if her attack was successful.

Nearly simultaneously her neck would curve to her own right, head tilting to to her own left and slightly down, to make up for her superior height as well as to partially shield her throat, as her upper fangs attempted to shred into the man's right ear and her lower fangs sought to pierce his right eye.  She wanted not only to cause him serious pain but to obtain a solid grip on his face.

Birna also attempted to shift her weight evenly to her front right leg and both hind legs as she tried to lift her left forepaw with the hopes of bringing it down on the man's right forepaw, hoping to shift her hefty weight forward, in conjunction with her shoulder throw, to sprain and maybe fracture some of the delicate toes.  

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna vs Ergheiz for Spar Rd. 1/?

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