
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



7 Years
Dire wolf
10-26-2015, 01:13 PM

It was his turn. Heart hammering, Angelus set his sights on a small (well, smaller than him) mostly black female from the opposing side. Her fight had just broken up and, seeing how his chances for glorious recognition were quickly dwindling, the yearling decided to go for it. She was going to be his and his parents were going to be proud when not one, but two of their kids came away victorious.

With anticipation coiling in his belly, Angelus tensed all over; muscles bunching taunt as he slipped into his defenses. With practiced (if somewhat hurried; that woman was his!) ease, he widened his stance so that his paws were placed slightly over hip and shoulder width apart, and slipped into a loose-jointed crouch as his toes splayed to better grip the ground. He distributed his weight equally along all four paws as his tail rose to lay on the same plane as his spine. The yearling kept his head up, but tucked his chin so that the skin of his throat was loose and bunched. Angelus's eyes narrowed and his lips curled to bunch the skin along the bridge of his nose and around his eyes. His ears fell to rest against the back of his crown, Lastly, the boy's hackles rose to span the length and width of his back in a bristly, protective line.

Nails biting into the earth, he kicked off and sought to close the distance between himself and his opponent as quickly as possible. He wanted to line the center of his chest up with the meaty outside of her right shoulder, and he didn't care if he had to weave around any still loitering participants from the last fight to do so. The height difference between the two was massive; with only giants for siblings Angelus didn't think he'd ever fought someone so short before. He'd have to modify his attacks for this one, that was for sure.

Angelus sought to ram the center of his chest into the uppermost part of the meaty outside of his opponent's right shoulder. He wanted to hit it hard enough to fling her off her paws. As he aimed to do this, the brute also rolled his left shoulder forward and, hoping to use the bony front of it like a lance, attempted to drive it into the ribs of his opponent's right side, approximately five inches behind the bulk of her right shoulder and six inches below her spine in the hopes of driving the breath from her lungs.

To round off his attacks, the boy also sought to bite into the neck of his opponent. To do so he snaked his head forward, jaws flinging wide, and attempted to drive his teeth into the top of Takira's neck where it connected to the base of her skull, hopefully catching both (the top of her neck and the base of her skull) in his grasp. Angelus wanted to sink his upper teeth into the left side of his opponent's neck/base of skull just to the left of her spine/skull and his lower teeth directly across from his uppers on the right side of her neck/skull. The boy intended to slam his jaws shut and attain a bone cracking grip. He would see victory today. Nothing was going to get in his way.

Round ONE of TWO(?)