
chaos engine [warrior training]



10 Years
10-27-2015, 09:37 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 09:41 AM by Kaprasíus.)

It was time for them to fight.

The raid had not been long ago, but there were new faces in Yfir and he did not want his packmates to grow soft and weak like the rest of the wolves in Alacritia. It was a very real possibility, despite the lived in one of the less hospitable terrains here - the North bred strong wolves, he knew that. The cold hardened their hearts and strengthened their muscles, and kept them from growing soft from eating too frequently and not moving enough.

The threat of winter felt all too real - light snowfalls had begun, and he noted the mountains seemed more snow-capped than they had yet. Soon the harshest season would be upon them, and most of their resources would need to go toward finding food and keeping the young and weak fed and safe, though gratefully those were few and far between. His eyes focused on a puff of steam as he exhaled into the crisp autumn air.

He wandered among the trees of the forest for awhile, searching or a suitable spot for them to train. Kaprasíus intended to teach them to fight like Odin's warriors today, whoever might show up. They were often trained to be tactical and precise, but there was another side to fighting that he felt deserved some attention - the part of the warrior that was driven by fury and rage, the side of the berserker, and today he would introduce him to that side.

Slowly the Stallari would lift his head to the sky, focusing on the foliage above with his single good eye as he released a call for any warriors who wished to join him.. and healers, too, for they could learn something too from this experiment.

Anyone interested in fighting is expected to attend, even if they just want to watch! Anyone interested in healing should come too, please!

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.