

Rune I


5 Years
04-22-2013, 12:34 PM
Quote:He had wasted no time in setting off the moment the call had rang out through the territory, abandoning the small creature he had been stalking to make a good impression on the elders. The lanky, dull grey wolf padded along noiselessly, his head low and frosty blue eyes fixed narrowly upon the ground as he followed the scents and sounds of the pack. What was this to be about? Anything important? Anything that might intrigue a youngster like him? He knew he was still far too young to be of any real worth to the pack, a scrawny youth who needed to grow into his slightly too large frame, but there was no time like the present for learning. And, oh, did he want to learn. The mere thought of missing something, of failing to take in anything either of their Vecaans mentioned, urged his trotting step into a lope.

It was only when the clearing manifested itself out of the trees did he slow down, and, composing himself with little more than a quick breath, the serious looking youngster strolled into the meeting unsmiling. Rune's blue eyes swept over those present with swift efficiency, noting the white wolf at their center - the lovely lady Morphine - who had undoubtedly called their group together, another white wolf who had her ear, his mother and sister - who he presently walked forward to join - and another. Icy blue eyes narrowed vaguely on the stranger, disliking their presence and the blatant lack of Tortugan scent that was absent from their pelt even at this distance. An interloper at their pack meeting? He shot a quick glance at Morphine, just to see if the lady had noticed the bold trespasser in their midst or if she cared, and then gave his attention wholly to his family as he came up beside them.

"Mother," he greeted quietly as he stepped toward her with the faintest of tail wags. He did not smile, but there was a noticeable gentling of his manner as he came to stand beside her, reaching forward to touch his muzzle to her slender, petite shoulder before moving to seat himself beside his sister. "Maia," he stated to the miniature of his mother as he curled his haunches to sit at her side, his blue eyes finding her vibrant green ones that were so much like their father's. Briefly he set his gaze outward again, noting once more those present and then the stranger in their midst who seemed far too comfortable for his liking. He leaned somewhat toward his sibling, angling his lean muzzle so that his words would slip almost directly into her ear. "Who's the intruder?" Rune whispered curiously, certain that if anyone would know, if the news had remotely been hinted at, Maia would know it.