
Fates entwined?



6 Years
Extra large
10-28-2015, 01:39 AM

Silva was the easiest of the children to work with, and he relied on her to ease the transition the children where going through and to work on relations between himself and them. He wasn't exactly an kid person, he liked to tease his brothers children and drag them into trouble. He caused gentle mischief. Keeping them in line and well keeping them happy and thinking of things other then their parent's fate... it was hard, and already it was turning out to be a tediously long day. He spend the entire day on the Prairie so he wasn't far away if one of the kids needed him, and had Gale on watch keeping near both the rogue borders and the borders to the beach to ensure Voltage's children didn't scamper under feet, Hellstroms children didn't wonder where they where not allowed to go, and no strangers breached their borders and threatened the safety of the children under his care. Gale seemed to prefer that job to straight up babysitting and it was very easy to imagine her sitting, glaring bloody murder at him with kids hanging off her ears.

At least the image put a smile on his face as he searched the Prairie for Silva. He decided to keep himself occupied he would begin to teach her how to hunt, it would give them a chance to talk and it would help her if things... went badly for her pack. He grimaced, worried about their parents, and also worried that he might grow attached to the sweetest of the children. Perhaps he should be staring clear of Silva, or perhaps this was better, he was true neutral, but he was not someone he wanted to be if he could turn a blind eye to their fate.