
Double Shot of Crown {SIEGE}



4 Years
10-28-2015, 04:32 AM

Takira so focused on causing as much damage to this male as she could did not even contemplate him just charging into her attack. As he turned and faced her head on and gave a little lung back, the two collided with (thankfully) Takira still on her paws and the male now right in front of her. This counter had landed Takira with another bruised shoulder, but this one Severely so. This Male was a bear! Takira's leg swipe came up with nothing and thankfully (again) she had not kept her paw near his because he stopped his down, resulting in him missing her paw. Her bit was successful but not like she wished it was, she barely got her teeth into his flesh when his shoulder was knocked into her snout. Shocking Takira but not hurting her in the least let go of his fur and jerked her head back, which had worked out for her because their was his snout snapping at the air where her head had been.

Takira narrowed her eyes on him, Her ears still flattened and head lowered, her hunches raised with her tail, like a flag to show all that she was not going down until she was bloody, until she could not stand on her already battered body. She lowered her body, which also lowered her center of gravity, her pealed her lips from her teeth in a snarl as she joint bent to get her low to the ground. If she could not muscle this male she was prepared to out maneuver him, and with his massive size she could, where his moves where clunky hers could be swift. At least that is what she hoped.

With her much smaller size thing opened up for her, like the fact that even with his head lowered protectively over his neck she still had room to get in their, enough room to chomp down on the soft tender underside. She lunged then, like a snake, she had no fears of him, had no reservations about getting hurt, as was said before she would not willing go back into servitude, not unless she was half dead. She would attempt to latch onto his jugular much like she would when bringing down a deer, She would shake and snarl, causing as much damage as she could. While attached to his neck she would cause as much chaos for his feet as possible. Her right paw would (attempt to) push on his left front one, hoping to push it out from under him.

She was going for broke, this was her last chance, she was slowly bleeding out, even now the blood from her neck pooled under them, even now she felt the adrenaline leaving her body, this was her last stand, as the last Hellstorm standing... Wasn't that a ironic thought? Sin had wanted to kill her, had almost if Enigma had not saved her, now as a slave she was the last on this field of battle, she was the last and boy was she out numbered... But true to her nature she was going down fighting as a warrior should, as her mothers mother would have, as the curse of her line demanded her to. Would her grandmother Taske be proud? Would her mother? She hoped so, even if she fell this day she knew she at least tried... And that was all that mattered.

Round TWO of TWO

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]