
The Eagle And The Dove



2 Years
10-28-2015, 04:10 PM

Ganja had been gone from these lands for a long time now, her travels brought her far and wide, and still the goal of her mission was never accomplished. Ganja found no trace of her family. Her spirit was bruised, she'd had such high hopes of reuniting with her parents and her brothers. It seemed everything was true however, her parents had abandoned her and her siblings. And with out them the girl was quite alone. Not that she saw it entirely that way, more along the lines of devoid of wolven company. Now a days the yearling was occupied with her plants. She'd become quite knowledgable in growing the medicinal plants her mother had named her after. Once she knew thta there was no hope of finding her parents she'd gotten to work on her second passion.

Eventually she made her way back to Alacritis, the whole reason why she wasn't sure. She'd had a nice garden where she lived before, it was a more than pleasant place to live, something had called her back. Ganja had harvested her plants, gathered the seeds and made her way back to the land she'd been born in. The girl needed to find a place to make camp before winter fully took hold. The nights were colder and the days grew shorter. The cold would be upon them soon and she wished to be more prepared.

Paying little attention to any kind of company that might be in her vicinity Ganja's eyes were on the scenery. She wanted to find a shelter, and would have eyes only for that purpose. In her jaws she carried a small bundle, within it the seeds of her beloved plants as well as the very last of the final harvest. She needed a place to let them rest for the night. She hoped to find a more permanent residence, but for now one for the winter would be acceptable. Her black paws carried her through the Estuary, though she was doubtful that she'd find anything suitable here. Picking her way through flocking birds she didn't notice the pair that were currently occupying the lands.

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