
Stolen Dance (Open Spar)



7 Years

10-28-2015, 06:36 PM
Ehrgeiz saw the large woman's expression change as he spoke, his words causing a grin to spread across her pretty muzzle. She seemed pleased with his violent intentions, and responded with enthusiasm. So, she wanted to get serious! How exciting! "As you wish," he replied, claws digging eagerly into the ground, "I don't like to play nice anyways." He hadn't had any intention of holding back on her. He'd hate himself if he lost to a woman, especially if he didn't get even a taste of her blood. His muzzle wrinkled up in a nasty snarl, skin bunching up around his face and eye narrowed as he prepared to fight.

He watched as she charged toward him, lowering his body further by bending his knees and elbows, legs spreading apart evenly, toes splayed and nails gripping the earth for traction. Ears remained pinned, head low and chin tucked, while shoulders remained rolled forward and scruff bunched up protectively. His hackles were spiked up, tail flagged out behind him, ready to act as a rudder for extra balance. When she was within 5 ft. he would start to move. He shuffled his paws so that he would side-step to his left and forward, his hind end swinging out further to the left, his weight shifted primarily to his left foreleg. His new angle and lowered stature would cause her right shoulder to miss its target, barely brushing the upper right side of his neck and leaving no damage. The front of her chest would slam into the middle of the side of his right shoulder, right in the meaty part, leaving a moderate bruise and knocking him several paw steps back and to his left. His left forepaw beared some of his weight, claws digging into the ground as he slid back a little, while his hind paws side-stepped quickly and in tandem, as sure-footed as a tarantula, to keep himself from falling. His right forepaw would lift and move to where his left forepaw was, and the left forepaw would move out further to the left, avoiding her paw slam. With this movement, he hoped to put just a small gap between them, no more than a foot.

Her lower fangs would scrape over the top of his head, missing the eye and leaving mild lacerations from his right eyebrow to the base of his left ear. She would not get the grip she'd been seeking, but there would still be blood. His left ear would take damage as her jaws closed on the upper third of his ear, leaving severe punctures on the fragile skin, blood spurting out. No matter. He would get her back. From his lowered position, her massive frame towering over him, he would crane his neck to his right and angle his head upward with jaws parted wide, attempting to grab a hold of the lower front part of her neck where it met with the front of her right shoulder. His lower fangs sought to dig into the nook where neck met shoulder, dangerously close to the major artery, while his upper fangs sought to close on a thick, fleshy chunk of her lower scruff along the edge of the bony shoulder blade. He intended to grab deep, hoping to leave severe punctures and obtain a solid grip.

As his jaws sought out their target, his hind legs coiled and prepared to shift his weight forward. His right forepaw would strike out toward her left forepaw, hoping to pin it down and fracture the toes. His left forepaw would lift and reach toward her right foreleg, trying to wrap his paw around the middle of her foreleg, hoping to drag her into his jaws and interfere with her movement.

[b]Ehrgeiz vs Birna || Spar || Round 1/3