
backwards from ten

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 12:47 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

her venture into the swamp had not lasted long before she had come upon the behemoth cloaked in a swath of earth and pitch, though it was difficult to discern if most of the coloring was his pelt or the muck that spider-webbed its way across his form. his bodice was splayed in a relaxed position upon his relatively dry perch, and for a moment she herself was almost a little envious of his dry realm. the lass glanced down at her own muddied paws and forelegs, and though the rest of her brilliant, fiery colors remained unscathed, a dry place to settled upon her haunches and socialize for a bit. it was then that she smirked, silently stifling a chuckle and then looking a little ways behind her. already he could hear his under-the-breath grumblings and vehement complaints as the vicious ball of obsidian-hued fluff waddled his way after her. the tasmanian devil finally glanced up as he found himself at his friend's side, having apparently not realized that she had stopped, and also discovered the resting presence several yards off. he suddenly began to charge forward, fur standing on end as he began to hop awkwardly forward through the mud, starting to cross the ten-or-so yard distance at a pace surprising for a little fur ball. a look of determination was set deeply into his disdainfully-contorted features, and just from that expression jupiter knew this was going to end in disaster. before she could stop him he started a series of his terrible, ear-grating hisses and spits.

"hey, you little bitch, that's about to be my fucking log, y'hear?" he snarled as he advanced. jupiter quickly lunged forward after her, but by the time she reached him he was already trying to haul his disproportional body upon on the log with next to no success. she snickered at his failure and then looked apologetically up at the male, amusement still heavy in her features.

"i'm sorry about that," she laughed, regarding her companion with an almost pitying look before returning her violet eyes to her newfound quarry. "he gets a little... ahead of himself sometimes. feel free to give him a good whack. might knock some sense into him. even while jupiter was talking right next to the volatile animal, he thoroughly ignored her as he clawed at the log, still screaming insults and challenges at the terra-pelted brute. he began to cross jupiter's path to get to the side of the fallen tree that was sunken into the muck, but she stopped him with a halting paw and foreleg before he could even hope to reach the target area, not even looking down to do so. he struggled against her, darting back and forth to try and get around her but being blocked every time, before finally giving up and plopping down into the mud.

"mind making some room for a fellow wolf looking for a dry spot?" she inquired in a friendly manner, a smile turning the corners of her lips upward. the celestial wolf chuckled as she continued to say, "don't worry, he won't bite too hard." keeping her path of sight trained upon the stranger, she also took this time to introduce herself. "jupiter illiadis, at your service."

? 544 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
haha, hope you don't mind if I jump in! <3

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.