
Making Amends



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2015, 11:30 AM
A howl called for Evangeline's father, and it immediately caught Vana's attention away from the herbs she was harvesting. The voice calling sounded suspiciously familiar, but it took a moment to place the voice since she'd never heard the howl before. But when she did, her hackles immediately went up. What was that little Abaven brat doing calling for Evangeline's father? The obvious answer brought a sneer to Vana's face. "Tattle-tale," she snarled aloud darkly. Not that she'd made an effort to hide what she'd done - why would she? She wasn't in the wrong - but the Abaven girl couldn't have known that. Abaven wolves always seemed to think that fighting and hurting people was somehow some shameful thing to avoid, so why would the girl have been different?

She kept her ears pricked nervously for her father's voice, taking the time to bring her herbs back to her den and spread them out to dry like she'd been taught, but when the next call came it was not Valentine. It was the Abaven girl calling for her. A certain smugness descended on her then - Valentine wasn't going to call her there to yell at her after all. She didn't like being called, though, as though she wanted anything to do with some dumb ol' Abaven wolf. She deliberately made the girl wait while she arranged the herbs for the best drying, but then curiosity finally got the best of her.

She set off at a dignified walk rather than seeming to rush to answer the call, and arrived to see her father with the girl. Vana's step faltered as she sent her father a faintly nervous sidelong glance, but it was only the faintest of missteps before she corrected herself and continued to stalk forward with head and tail high. "I thought I told you to leave my family alone," she growled, only her father's presence keeping her from being far, far more rude as she tipped her nose down to stare at the girl.