
You're On Your Own Kid



6 Years

10-29-2015, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2015, 07:52 PM by Faite.)

She hadn't been home for too long and yet she already found the Estuary irritating. Opposed to her birth place this place reeked of bird crap and the creatures were beginning to fray her nerves and enrage her. She was a temperamental creature and only more so because of her heat season. She could only hope and pray that the season wouldn't last for too much longer. The sensations and mood swings it brought were far from enjoyable and it only made her wrath for the birds worse.

She'd taken to killing as many as she could when she was out on hunts. Ducks and geese, other than the feathers, were enjoyable food sources. Rabbits were always better in her opinion but there was a better abundance of the avian sort and the less she had to hear every day the happier she'd end up being in the end. Of course there was no earthly way she could wipe out all of them but at least she could kill off some. It at least made her feel a little bit better about it.

Her stomach rumbled silently as she felt the beginning pang of hunger settle into her gut. her nose wrinkled at the idea of eating geese again but she shoved the thoughts from her mind. She supposed duck would make a better alternative for today so she headed towards a small pool to hunt them. What she didn't expect to smell was the scent of a complete stranger. So Faite poised at the opposite edge of the water source as she watched him wade through it before scaring the absolute hell out of the ducks. She'd been so enthralled with the larger wolf that she realized she was about to miss her chance.

Like a rocket she sprung from her hiding place in the reeds as she chased after the tiny flock of birds. Hind legs coiled as she leaped into the air using her speed to vault her upwards. Jaws were agape as her teeth sought out the tail feathers of the nearest duck. Success! Her jaws clamped shut over the flying pest's tail and she crashed to the earth with it as it honked at her with wings beating at her face. The stranger was forgotten as she wrestled with the creature with a frightening growl escaping from her jowls. She raised a paw to flatten the creature to the ground and once she had it secured her maw snaked forward to its neck. With a swift jerk of her head she snapped its neck in a clean motion.

Satisfied that it was now dead she realized that she still had company. She raised her head from her kill and eyed the darkened figure that was now a bit away from her as her chase after the bird had taken her a good bit away from the pond. She'd been lucky with the bird as it hadn't been able to gain enough altitude to escape her prying jaws. She wasn't interested in her bird though. Instead she focused on the dark loner that she hadn't ever seen before.

"I haven't seen you around before. Who are you?"
While she'd been blunt she didn't ask the question rudely. Her curiosity certainly had gotten the better of her though.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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