
So Scary



5 Years
10-30-2015, 02:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was an absolute bundle of nerves as she awaited a response from Glacier. She had always assumed he was the slow and steady type, the one that never rushed anything and chose instead to crawl through life at a snail's pace, not to hinder those around him but because that was what suited him best. It was that patience that had caused her to open up to him, to give the big, intimidating, giant of a wolf a chance to show himself as something other than what he appeared. It was his gentleness that had won her over in the end, that had enabled her to give him her trust, and it was everything that he was combined that had stolen her heart before she even realized it was happening.

But while he continued to remain seemingly content with how things were, with the slow and steady route, Anais felt like she was getting ahead of him. She felt her season was rushing her along and, in a way, pulling her away from the wolf that she loved. She did not want her suggestion to surprise him, catch him off guard, and cause him to step back when she was already so much further ahead. She had to hope, and trust, that his patient ways would work in her favor to make him think and consider her point of view, no matter that she feared otherwise.

She felt shaky as she watched him, unable to read anything on his face either because it was not clear or her own mind was too frazzled to make sense of it. Her heart sputtered a beat when he moved and her ears did fold back then, her eyes never leaving him. He came closer, foregoing the small barrier of space that had been put between them to press his face into her golden brown fur. Anais's eyes closed and her body trembled as she reached up to nuzzle her cheek into the soft fur of his shoulder, feeling her lip wobble as she stifled a whine. What did this mean? Was he ready as she was? Was he trying to slow her down? The unknown was nerve wracking, and she tried not to cry as she bit her lip and looked up into his face one he drew back to meet her gaze. What are you thinking?

He told her, and she realized that she had been reading him wrong. His thoughts had paralleled her own, for who knew how long, but he did not want to rush her. He had not been uninterested in the thought of starting a family with her, nor had it been something he was not ready for. He had only been waiting on her to bring it up, to say that was what she wanted and that she was ready. Though she had not known, he had been trying to be considerate of her again, offering her patience and time to warm up to the thought instead of planting the idea in her head in order to pressure her into making up her mind faster. She felt incredibly silly for worrying, for not knowing until now, but so much more relieved. She had thought she was ahead of him, but he had been secretly waiting there for her to catch up the whole time.

The tears that had begun welling in her eyes, from relief and happiness, spilled over with a laugh that was almost a sob as Glacier finally revealed to her his thoughts on starting a family with her. She could barely breathe let alone speak around the lump that had formed in her throat, silencing anything she might have answered him with, and instead she nodded her head profusely, repeatedly, in agreement with each final phrase he made. Together. They would make the decision together. She could hardly control herself as she stepped into him, pressing her face into his neck in a rough nuzzle as she leaned against his frame. She felt certain she could never get close enough to him. A little watery laugh slipped out of her as she smiled, pulling away from his neck to place kiss after quick little kiss against his cheek, wanting to shower him in an endless flow of affectionate gestures. "I love you, Glacier," she repeated again in a whisper, smiling teary eyed while meeting his silver gaze as she informed him, "I don't want to wait anymore."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.