
The Wind Whispered To Me



6 Years

10-31-2015, 01:32 AM

Esa listened intently, her jaw gaping slightly, as Val described the southern continent, and how to get there. It sounded absolutely fascinating. Her tail began to wave back and forth, slowly at first, but with growing speed as the other woman went on. Did such a place really exist? She couldn't wait to lay her eyes on everything that Valentina was describing to her. A bridge of land that used to be blocked by the ocean? How magical! Trees that bled, and human things? "Well now you have to show me these places!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excited laughter.

She saw the warmth in Val's gaze, and was glad to see that she had made another friend. "I can't wait to get going," she said, though the day was still early, "And it'll be wonderful to share it with a friend." She smiled some more, unable to wipe the expression off her face, and really not wanting to. When Val asked where she was from, Esa blinked. She'd been away from home so long and always on the move, that it took her a moment to think. She'd been around these lands now for so long, grown so used to them, that her birth place was really becoming a distant, blurry memory. "I'm from a different continent," she began, wondering if Val would have at all heard of her home, though she doubted it, "The lands of Fire and Ice. I was born into a pack called Tirisfal Valley." Where she was from, the wolves named themselves based on their territory, and it was somewhat different than the packs here which were named by their leaders and claimed multiple territories.

"What about you?" she asked curiously, wondering where the other traveler had come from, Are you from this continent, or did you travel a long ways to come here, too?" She was glad to be sharing with a friend. It had been a while since she'd spoken to anyone more closely than just a passing acquaintance. She had longed for more friends. The other wolves she'd met were in packs, but she just wasn't ready to settle anywhere yet. She could only drag a wolf away from their duties so often, so most of her time was spent alone. Maybe that could change.

"Speak" "Listen" Think