
A frozen Waste


02-15-2013, 07:23 PM
The scene that was unfolding before her eyes made her fall over laughing. Her tail swayed with such force that the powdery white snow flew up into the air and soon fell gently down upon the two. She looked at Thane just to get a face full of snow, she begun to laugh even more. Her black fur looked white now due to all the snow that had accumulated on her. Standing up she shook off the loose snow, and headed towards Thane. She lowered her head and nuzzled Thane, She raised her head up into the sky, her eyes scanned the clear sky. She sat down upon her haunches and continued to look up at the sky. She enjoys doing this just sitting and watching the sky, and the stars when it is night time.

She begun to think about her deceased family,She dose miss them a lot but she needs to let the past be in the past. There was a bright future waiting for her and she is going to embrace that with an open mind.She lowered her head and looked at the snow that is resting under her paws, This brought back memories from that day, she was not sure if it was her fault even to this day.In her mind she knew that she could not prevent the incident from happening but if she was there they probably could have taken the bear down. She was unaware of the events that had taken place a few years back and if her presance would have saved them or would have gotten her self killed as well. She shook her fur and stood up, she had went from happy to out of it with in a few seconds. Turnning around she walked over to Thane and licked his muzzle. "Our pasts might have not been the best, but we can make a better future for one another." she said as she rested her head against his head and closed her eyes. " We will make a better future for out off spring then the one we lived."