
So Scary



6 Years
Extra large
10-31-2015, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2015, 04:43 PM by Glacier.)

He leaned over and cleared away the last of her tears with a gentle brush of his tongue. He could see more shimmering in her golden orbs, marks of happiness rather then despair. When she replied, and told him that she would go anywhere with him, his eyes crinkled with the ease in which he smiled. “Perfect” he promised her, and nuzzled her head gently, pulling away and nudging her side as he did so, gently indicating she should follow. He no longer attempted to keep his head clear of her wondrous scent, instead he took in a deep breath and felt his head swim, feeling a little out of his mind.

He let her from the Prairie and back to the beach, ducking through the hollow cave and out its back door and up the circled path that wound to the cliff top. He swept a paw over a spot of rough earth, smoothing it over and creating a spot for the two of them to sit together. He settled himself down, and only then would he speak again. “Remember when you use to come over for adventures? A few times you would stay over and we would stay up and ask each other questions of our lives. You told me then you'd never thought of having children before, how long have you been thinking about it? About raising a family?” he asked softly, and then his lips tilted into a mischievous smile “Feel free to turn this into a chance to ask me questions too by the way” he offered, he wanted a chance to better understand what was going on in that pretty head of hers, where her thoughts had lead her.
