
Stolen Dance (Open Spar)

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
11-01-2015, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 11-01-2015, 09:21 AM by Birna I.)
ooc:  Thanks for your patience!  I appreciate your flexibility.

Ehrgeiz would shift to his own left and displace Birna's attacks.  Her right shoulder would brush the upper right side of his neck without leaving the damage she desired.  Her chest slammed into the middle of his right shoulder leaving moderate bruising on him and causing light bruising to blossom in the middle of her chest from the impact.  Her left paw slam missed his right paw and her jaws left light lacerations from his right eyebrow to the base of his left ear but her jaws managed to snap over the tip of his left ear leaving a severe injury as she tasted his blood.  Now it felt like the fight was really beginning.  With her paws all back on solid ground she quickly reset her defenses.  Fur and hackles remained raised as did her ears pinned tightly to her head.  Sky blue eyes narrowed as her hungry jaws parted, chin tucking as she lowered her head and tail to align with her spine.  Birna's shoulders rolled forward her neck scrunching back.  Her legs bent, spreading equidistant apart to lower her center of gravity.  Birna distributed her weight evenly across her limbs as her toes splayed, claws digging into the earth.

As Ehrgeiz would shift to his left Birna would turn her upper body to her right in an attempt to bring them almost back into straight-on alignment but with her body still slightly farther to his right rather than perfectly straight on, her natural inclination to follow her target and attack once again.  Somewhere within her the berserker awakened and as he attacked so did she.  In a brutal gambit Birna attempted to throw the front of her right shoulder blade forward and down, her legs coiling sharply as she sought to throw the bony spur right into Ehrgeiz's open jaws.  She knew she'd receive severe lacerations from this but she wanted the pain and she felt the reward was worth the risk, she hoped not only to break some of the mans teeth but to also sprain his lower jaw and weaken his future attacks.  

In addition her head would tilt to her left as her jaws dove down her fangs seeking to shred the flesh of the mans brow her upper fangs seeking to land just above his right eye her lower fangs just above his left.  She wanted to obtain a grip and cause the mans blood to drip into his eyes, perhaps temporarily blinding him as well.  She felt his left paw wrap around her right foreleg equidistant between the wrist and the elbow and she shifted her weight evenly back to her hind legs, tail flaring back as she let him pull her into his eager jaws for she desired the same thing.  Birna's left forepaw would lift once again, his right forepaw just missing hers as she sought to throw her left forelimb over the back of the mans head, just behind his ears with the intent of throwing her hulking weight onto his neck and forcing him down to the ground as well as make it a bit more difficult to escape from her questing jaws.

-- You Can Bury My Body But I'll Never Die --
Birna vs Ehrgeiz for Spar Rd 2/3

EDIT: Forgot the rounds omgosh >< Change observed by Nyx, Eve and Arin xD
[Image: 262ny8g.png]