
Dreams Are Made Winding Through My Head


04-14-2013, 03:39 PM

Tension was between the two brutes, but the black and red male calmed himself down and let the tension release. He let out a name, his name, Fenrir. And Rumble remembered that name from his time in Valhalla. But he wouldn't come out and say that he knew Fenrir, that would be awkward considering they have never met. It's been almost two years since Run left home, how could he simply remember a face he had never seen?


His voice was deep and almost silent. He made eye contact with the wolf when Rum announced his name, showing he wasn't disrespectful that he was more of a shy fellow.

Segolia asked what the two were doing there, rum did nothing but move his eyes toward her. Though Segolia couldn't see his eyes and only a bit of his face, Fenrir could she the male's serious expressions. He didn't answer the girl and he hoped Fenrir would say something. She said the place was strange and she wondered what kind of creatures lived here, Rum just shrugged a little. Who was he to know information, to give it out? His eyes scanned around at all the objects piled on top of each other decaying over the long time it had been there. The structure reeked with an old musty smell, the smells were trapped in this place so long it dug into the floors, the walls. And Rum's eyes continued to search the area as he listened to the two converse.

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